Request an owner's manual from Remington on their web site, it's free.
50-150 usd
it is below the feildmaster logo
You can request an owner's manual for free at Remington's web site. 10
how do i disassemble a field master .22 caliber?
All Remingtons made from 1921 have a date code stamped on the barrel. The details and table can be found on the Remington Society of America, Manufactures Link.
Check date code, see related links
go to Remington web site they can help you as they did with my 870 wingmaster
Check the barrel codes on the Remington Society of America.
The link gives barrel code location and tables to look up date.
It's date code stamped on the barrel, see related links for information on the Remington Society of America.
1954 -- just google pat. numbers then go to first listing
The Remington Model 572 Fieldmaster slide action .22 caliber rifle was made from 1955 until 1988. The receiver on your rifle was made in 1980 but may not have been assembled into a rifle until 1981 or 82.