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If you mean the upper handguard, which contains the gas piston- make certain that the rifle is not loaded, and on SAFE. At the rear of the handguard is a small lever on the right side. Raise the lever 90 degrees. Lift the rear of the handguard as far as it will go, then swing the lever down- it should pass UNDER the end of the raised handguard. Lift the rear until clear, and then slide the handguard to the rear. contains good information on the SKS, and dozens of other milsurp firearms.

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Q: How do you remove the handguard on a SKS?
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How do you remove hand guard on m16?

To remove the handguard on the M16 assault rifle, first remove the magazine. Next pull back the charging handle and inspect the chamber to ensure that the weapon is clear. Now place the rifle on the ground with the buttplate on the floor and the muzzle facing up. Pull down on the delta ring with one hand, and pull apart the handguard with the other. If you have an M16A1, the handguard will come apart down the middle. If your M16 has A2 or later style handguards, they will come apart to the left and right. M16A1s lack a flared delta ring, and may require a tool to pull down if you lack sufficient strength.

When was SKS Microfinance created?

SKS Microfinance was created in 1998.

Can you put a m16A4 hand rail on an m16A2?

Yes. The M16A2 and M16A4 have the same delta ring and handguard cap, therefore the railed handguard from an M16A4 should fit on the A2.

What is a sks-m or a sks-d?

The D and M models accept AK47 magazines whereas the standard sks has an integral magazine.

How do you install an M16 handguard?

Follow the instruction in the owner's manual.

Do you have to register an sks in California?

The only SKS carbines currently which require registration are the Chinese-made SKS-M and SKS-D models. Those could not be imported into the state after 1989, and had to be registered by 2000.

Can any sks mag fit in any sks?

All of the fixed ten round mags are cross compatible, but cannot be used in the SKS-M or SKS-D, both of which use a detachable AK magazine.

Is Russian sks the same as Chinese sks?

Very similar, minor differences,

What is value of sks?

Value of ANY gun is based on exact make, model, and condition. A well worn Yugo SKS may be $150, while a pristine Russian SKS is $500. An average Chinese SKS is around $250-$275.

Which two models of sks's made in china that were made tto use ak type magazines can accept ak 47 magazines?