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Follow the instructions in the owner's manual. If you don't have one, go to Remington's web site and request one.

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Q: How do you remove the bolt from a Remington model 600?
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How do you remove bolt from Remington model 600?

If you look at the very back of the receiver on the left side there will be a small tip of the bolt stop showing in the left bolt guide channel, push it down while the bolt is open and pull back on the bolt. Should fall out .

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. to remove the bolt on this model you must lower the tube assembly,there is a screw under the stock, remove stock first.

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What is a Remington model 600 6mm worth?

These remington bolt action rifles are currently valued at between 160 dollars for a gun with 60% original finish,up to 300 dollars for a rifle with 95% original finish remaining.

What is a Remington model 600 222 caliber worth?

The value of a Remington model 600 .222 caliber depends on the condition of the gun. One in excellent condition is worth approximately $500, as of 2014.

What is the value of a Remington Model 7 MS 350 Remington Magnum?

I had a one before and I sold it for about $600

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$300-$600 range

What is a Remington model 600 in 243 caliber woth?

100-500 USD

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50-600 USD

What is the year of your Remington model 600 35 Remington?

Impossible to tell without the serial number and all markings on the weapon.

What is the value of a Remington model 700 222 cal in mint condition?

$600-$700 IMHO