If you look at the very back of the receiver on the left side there will be a small tip of the bolt stop showing in the left bolt guide channel, push it down while the bolt is open and pull back on the bolt. Should fall out .
Follow the instructions in the owner's manual. If you don't have one, go to Remington's web site and request one.
. to remove the bolt on this model you must lower the tube assembly,there is a screw under the stock, remove stock first.
These remington bolt action rifles are currently valued at between 160 dollars for a gun with 60% original finish,up to 300 dollars for a rifle with 95% original finish remaining.
The value of a Remington model 600 .222 caliber depends on the condition of the gun. One in excellent condition is worth approximately $500, as of 2014.
I had a one before and I sold it for about $600
$300-$600 range
100-500 USD
50-600 USD
Impossible to tell without the serial number and all markings on the weapon.
$600-$700 IMHO