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how do i remove the air chamber on a sheridan blue streak

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To answer your question (see the link below) for the parts diagram.

Today Crosman air gun company owns Sheridan and Benjamin line of air guns.

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Q: How do you remove air chamber on a sheridan blue streak?
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What is a Sheridan silver streak air rifle?

The Sheridan Silver streak air rifle was made from 1949 up to the 1990's after that it became the Blue Streak.

How do you tell the age of a sheridan blue streak 5mm?

The Blue Streak went into production in 1995 and is still produced.

Where is the serial number for a 63-90 sheridan blue streak located?

I've looked at every reference book I have and can not find a model Sheridan 63-90 Blue Streak. The Blue Streak, As far as I know, is CB9 not 63-90. On the CB9 the serial number is usually on the left side of the barrel just forward of the loading chamber. You may have to move the black rubber piece of plastic clip that covers the barrel.

What year is sheridan blue streak air rifle 103560?

It was made in 1975

Where to get manual for blue streak 5mm air rifle?

There are 3 versions of the Sheridan Blue Streak. See the link below for the 2nd version. BTW today Crosman owns the Sheridan and Benjamin line of air guns. This link is from Crosman

Where can I get an owner's manual for a Sheridan Blue Streak air rifle?

Here is the link to all of the manuals for Sheridan and Benjamin. Crosman owns Sheridan and Benjamin See the link below.

Where is the serial number located on Sheridan Blue Streak rifles?

On the right side in front of the trigger

What is the date of manufacture of a sheridan blue streak air rifle serial number 6691J?

The Blue Streak has been in production from 1995 to present. If you want more Information I suggest you contact Crosman who owns both Benjamin and Sheridan. See the link below.

Where do you find parts list for sheridan blue streak?

today. Crosman corp owns both Sheridan and Benjamin air guns / rifles. See the links below.

What is the value of a1984 sheridan CB9 blue streak in good condition?

It would be worth between $65 - $80

How is the year for a 5 mm blue streak pellet rifle sn 101304 found?

It was made in 1975. (Today Crosman owns Sheridan.) See the link below and then scroll down to "Sheridan"

What is the value of a Sheridan C series pellet rifle?

It all depends on age, use, and condition of the rifle. Is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Very good or Excellent condition. Sheridan made 4 different model C series. The C Silver Streak, C9 Silver Streak, CB9 Blue Streak, and C9BP. Which one are you asking about?