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Rebuilding trust is one of the hardest things in a relationship. If your partner has accepted the fact that you've cheated and most likely forgives you, that's a sign that the trust will build back up faster than normal. However, if your partner doubts and questions your loyalness to him, make sure to do little things to make him trust you once again.

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Q: How do you rebuild trust after cheating on your partner?
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Yes. Cheating does not have to be physical - it can be emotional too. It can be anything that disrespects the boundaries of the relationship or causes problems between you and your partner. It has more to do with respect than it does with trust.

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Humans can simply make mistakes and cheating on a partner is a big mistake. The bond of trust is broken between the two people and it is difficult for the partner who has been cheated on to ever trust their partner again and it is difficult for the partner who cheated to earn that trust back. If you feel your partner is a flirt; it has happened before then it is wiser to walk away, but if you feel it is the first time this has happened then you should sit down and communicate your feelings to your partner and that you will not stand by and be used while he cheats and ask him to be a man and tell you the truth. Then you will have to make up your mind from there.

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What could you do to make your ex boyfriend trust you if he doesn't trust you any more and you're really sorry for what you did and need him to believe you and trust you again?

Look, if you cheated, the trust will not be above an 80% point for years. A relationship really has to have good foundations to keep going if one has cheated. If there is no cheating, then trust shouldn't be a factor and he is being silly. I would say cheating can be considered hanging out with another guy/gal without purposefully communicating it to your partner.