Both sexes, female and male think about cheating. But hey, it depends on you as an individual how you percieve the topic of cheating and whether you see it as right or wrong.
Some individuals, regardless of gender, may consider cheating. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner to uphold trust and respect in the relationship. If you are experiencing concerns or doubts, addressing them with your partner can help prevent infidelity and strengthen your bond.
possibly i think he is to fine not to cheat but there are some beautiful girls out there
guys dump girls randomly because they think they are too good to be with the girl he was with
I think that he is cheating on Miley Cyrus. Do you think he is cheating on her?
no nick cannon is cheating on her with playboy girls and out going to clubs
I doubt it. I think it's seen different in both. For example: He might think flirting around isn't cheating and of course your going to think the completely opposite.
I think cutting is not cheating forever.
I think copying is not cheating forever.
if u think ur bf is cheating on you and then he will have a fit about it.
If you think that a girl is cheating on you, then she is most likely not worth your time.
It depends on your definition of 'cheating.' If you think of cheating as getting all the answers, then yes. If you think of cheating as in using a hacking device, then no.
No, that is assault.