klarer folka her norsk ?
can anybod here speak norwegian?
By going to your techer and tell him or her that you are willing to take the test to prove that you didn't cheat..
Answer It's really hard to prove that you didn't cheat, but that being said, if the person who is accusing you is raving on and on about it, this may mean that this person is insecure about themselves and not you, but they like to poin their finger at you because they can't deal with the honesty of the moment.
Test of holy kingdom Knight.
Go online. But don't cheat. Go on internet after the test.
I posted this question myself to be honest because i wasn't sure... but the horizontal line test was made to prove whether the function/graph was an one-to-one function
WikiAnswers will not help you to cheat on a test because it is wrong and it will hurt you in the future because you won't know the things you are supposed to learn and will then fail all of your other tests because of that.
Haha i caught you out didnt i? you cant cheat on test , naughty you :P
To prove that you didn't cheat on an online test, you can provide evidence such as showing your work process, explaining your thought process, and demonstrating your understanding of the material through additional questions or discussions with the instructor. Additionally, you can offer to take a similar test under supervised conditions to show your abilities without the possibility of cheating.
To not cheat. Cheating doesn't prove anything, especially not to yourself. These exams are to evaluate your progress, why not reflect on how you are doing so you can improve. In a working environment you cannot cheat... They expect you to do the work.
Did you cheat on your test?Yes, I did cheat on my test.
Just say you didn't chat and if they say prove it say i you don't believe me i WILL cheat on you.
tell her you didnt ! then if she does believe you tell your parents then retake the test to prove her incorrect , but do it respectfully because teachers hold alot of power over your education
there is a button that says cheat. if there isnt, your game didnt come with a cheat.
very hard first u have 2 prove your the father then prove your a better parent or she unfit (brittnay spears)
Thingodonta is a made-up word and does not have a specific translation in any language. It does not have a defined meaning or origin.
They didnt - there is no parallel universe.
Apparently she didnt cheat on him. He thought she was cheating on him. That's why he bet her .
If it is so obvious to your boyfriend then have 'him' prove it. He should get his facts straight before he accuses you of cheating. Let him do the leg work and you know the truth and tell him so.