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If you click on their wall a small box should be at the top where you can type and then you click send and it appears on there wall

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Q: How do you post a comment on a friends Facebook wall?
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You cannot post your status comment or like a status accept friends on Facebook?

unless you are on a discussion wall / a mutual friend's wall, you cannot like someones comment or status

When you write on someones wall on Facebook can they see you writing it before you post it?

No, the information does not go to their wall until you enter it.

What does Facebook status mean?

Facebook status, populary known as Facebook update, is one of the features of Facebook which allows user to post short messages for all their friends. In turn, readers can comment or press the "like" button to show that they enjoyed or concur to it.

How do you post on someones twitter wall?

Well first what you do is go on your friends facebook, and then you press comment, and then you write the message on your friend's wall.

How do you say thank you for friends wishing you happy birthday on facebook?

Poke them, or post a thank-you on their wall.

How can write wall post Hindi in facebook?

i want to write hindi wall post in facebook

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Where is your wall on Facebook?

Your Wall in Facebook, is probably the main part of your account. It is where your friends will post, where it will show all your recent updates, your status, and your photos. And it is also where you post for your friends. Overall, it is your main part in Facebook.

Who can post birthday comments on MySpace?

When wishing to post a birthday comment on the MySpace wall of a MySpace member the person wishing to post the comment must be a member to do so as they must be logged in when adding the comment for it to post on the other persons wall.

How can you know if a particular facebook account is fake or not?

Here are some hints that the Facebook page is fake: *Wall is open to anyone * the person never posts anything, just adds people *you have seen their pictures before * they just comment on things, not post *they have a lot of friends * their pictures of of different people

Can a person restrict who sees their Facebook wall?

of course..just go to privacy and change your privacy setting. You can select who sees what you post (friends, friends of friends, everyone).

How do you post wall to wall on Facebook?

You go on a friend you want to do wall-to-wall with's profile page. Their wall should be there. Post a post that is your wall-to-wall post and send it to their wall. That's how to create a wall-to-wall.