Once a post is deleted, it is not possible to recover it. Always be careful not to delete items you still need. However, if the post is important to an official investigation, authorities may be able to recover the post from the company records.
Only the person who wrote, or who's wall was written upon can delete a commentso its either or those people; no one else
If you click on their wall a small box should be at the top where you can type and then you click send and it appears on there wall
If you compose a message from your Inbox then it is private. If you post something on someone's wall it is not.
unless you are on a discussion wall / a mutual friend's wall, you cannot like someones comment or status
No body can remove your post from facebook..he can hide you post from his wall only.
No it will not.
you cant
Go to your wall (click "Profile" then "Wall"), and you can click "Remove" next to the post.
yes you have to go in the upper right corner of the post, click the little arrow, ad click delete or hide post
I'm sorry to tell you this but you can't. Once you delete it Facebook deletes it from its records and therefore is gone forever.
You can delete the post from your wall, by clicking the icon on the right side. Then press delete post at the bottom of the list. If you don't want people to keep sending you requests for questions you can block them when you next get an app notification.
i want to write hindi wall post in facebook
If someone writes on your Wall, it will email you to notify you of this, if you have the option enabled. It shows you what they wrote, right in the email. However, if you don't have the email, and the wall post has been deleted, you can't recover it. Maybe try to contact the Facebook support, and they might be able to do so, but they probably can't.
You go on a friend you want to do wall-to-wall with's profile page. Their wall should be there. Post a post that is your wall-to-wall post and send it to their wall. That's how to create a wall-to-wall.
No, the information does not go to their wall until you enter it.