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this is how u play the game... -pick which piece you want x or o

-2 person game

1.)pick 1 person to start

2.)that person could put one ov their peices (x or o) anywhere on the board

3.)the next person goes

4.)puts their peice anywhere xcept 4 where the other person just went

object- to get all ur peices lined up (diangnol, up and down or side to side) their might be a tie

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15y ago
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13y ago

To win at Tic-Tac-Toe, you need to mark in 3 certain spots in certain patterns to form 2 winning paths, causing your opponent to try to block 1 path while you win with the other path.

For example, go first and mark a corner. If your opponent marks the center, mark the corner opposite of your first corner. As long as your opponent marks either of the remaining 2 corners, you win. (If your opponent marks 1 of the 4 side squares, this game should result in a tie). So after your opponent marks 1 of the 2 remaining corner squares, mark the remaining corner, then you'd have 2 possible paths to win with (while preventing your opponent's win simultaneously). After your opponent tries to block 1 of your 2 paths, you win with the other path.

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16y ago

you either have (x) or(o) place it in the box in the middle.then place it some were else and try to get it 3 times in a row like: xxx or x or x x x x x

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16y ago

put tic & tac but not the toe

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What is tic tac on toast?

You may be referring to a cooking utensil you can purchase. It's a sort of tic-tac-toe stamp you press into the bread before toasting it. Then you can play tic-tac-toe with butter, jelly, etc. at breakfast.

Why was tic-tac-toe invented?

tic tack toe was in vented so kids who have nothing better to do can have a game and something to play.

Where was tic tac toe invented?

The game Tic Tac Toe is originally from ancient Egypt.

What is s in t s 9?

9 Squares in Tic Tac Toe

What games do kids in Africa play?

tag and mostly they play tic tac toe

What is a winning row in tic-tac-toe called?

O = tic, X = tac, a line aka win = toe

How do you play circles and crosses game?

Its an English word for tic tac toe in america

Where was tic-tac-toe invented?

tic tac toe was invented in stamford Connecticut, man it was the easiest thing. they played a game and called it ticdas to but the Americans borrowed it and named it tic tac toe and know it is fdamouse around the whole world