

Best Answer

O = tic, X = tac, a line aka win = toe

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Q: What is a winning row in tic-tac-toe called?
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What is the answer to the daily jumble for July 28 2012?

After three bulls-eyes in a row, his goal of winning an Olympic gold medal was this. answer: ON TARGET, groom, think, effort, mascot

Words with 2 of the same letters in a row?

Some words that have two of the same letter in a row, also called a double letter, are;aardvarkaccommodateassassumeattainattentionbaboonballoonbassoonbarroombeenbeerbeetbeetlebellybetterbitterbookbusinesscallouscellocheddarcheesechillcollarcookcoolcoppercreepdaddydaggerdeeddeepdeerdolldollardoordrolldroopeeleeriefallowfellowfeedfeelfeetfleetfillfollyfoodfoolfullfunnyfuzzygalleygallongeesegoodgrammargullhallhammerhammockheedhollyhoodhoopillinninnateinnovateirrigateirritateissuejazzjeerjellyjollykeenkeepkillkneekrillladderlassolessonletterlittlelooklooplooselootlotterymalletmattermeekmeetmellowminnowmoodmoonmooseneedneedlenoodlenoonnooseoccasionoddoppositeotterpaddlepasspassengerpalletpatternpeddlepeerpennantpillpoolpoorpossiblequarryqueenqueerquillrallyrapportrattleraspberryreekreelrecessrollroomroostrootrubberrunnersaddlesassschoolscoopseedseemseensellsheepshellshimmersillysimmerskillskullsoonstoopsweepswelltalltasseltattootellteenthreetooltreetrolltrooptummyudderuppervanillaveervacuumvillainwallwallowweddingweedweekweepwheelwillwillowwoodwoolyellowzoozoom

What happens if you beat the battle arena 4 time in a row in pearl?

Well when the third time you go in the battle arena you fight the Tower Tycoon and beating him will reward you with 20 points rather than 3. The fourth time you will fight Pokemon that are more difficult than the third round and you will get 4 battle points for winning. The fifth round you will get 5 points for winning. That is as far as I have made it so far. So basically the Pokemon get tougher and the points you get from winning increase. If you loose once you start all over.

What are words with double letters in a row?

Raccoon is a word. It includes double letters in a row.

How do you craft a bookshelf on Mine craft?

In a crafting table, put 3 wooden planks on the top row, 3 books on the middle row, and 3 wooden planks on the bottom row.

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What is the loser of tictactoe called?

The loser is called a LOSER

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i think the current winning streak for carlito is 7 in a row as of the 6th of September 2008 i think the current winning streak for carlito is 7 in a row as of the 6th of September 2008

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There is no trick Actully the trick is just play it. try to find 5 in a row or 4 in a row.

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10 games in a row as the Atlanta Flames and 8 games in a row as the Calgary Flames.

Is it possible to lose tictactoe?

There are two people playing. One wins, one loses. You answer this one yourself.

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they play tictactoe and bounce on pogo sticks whilst drinking pure liquid salt

What is Row in the period table?

a horizontal row is called a period.a vertical row is called a group

Is each row below the header row called a follower row?

No, it's called a data record

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