if u get a 9 then on frame 2 press reset button and u get a strike.
9 pin no tap, means if you throw your first ball down the lane and take out only 9, then it is a strike and the lane resets to 10 pins and you move on to the next frame. Ninepin bowling and 9 pin no tap are not the same thing. Ninepin bowling is a type of "bowling." No tap is a game type played within "Tenpin" (traditional US alley bowling).
You can use your pen to tap the touch screen and play games.
While handicap could be applied to any tournament, the majority of no-tap tournaments or leagues are bowled scratch.
in 9-pin bowling you are only using 9 pins instead of 10
Answer Two: There is such a thing as an 8 pin no tap tournament, usually for younger bowlers. In that case, an 8 count would also count as a strike. Answer One: In the game of 9-pin no-tap, 9 or 10 pins down on the first ball is a strike, and 8 pins down is only scored as an 8 count and you must throw at the two remaining pins for the second ball in that frame. In the game of 8-pin no-tap, 8, 9 or 10 pins down on first ball is scored as a strike, and you will get a full rack of pins for the next frame instead of having to attempt a spare.
There is tenpin bowling, duckpin bowling, fivepin bowling, ninepin bowling. Variations of tenpin include color pin, red head pin, 9 pin no tap, Monte Carlo, Even/Odds, Low ball, and best frame.
Tap Everything
if one shear pin has been sheared then just line up the auger shear pin holes the same as the opposite auger shear pin then tap out damaged pin.
if one shear pin has been sheared then just line up the auger shear pin holes the same as the opposite auger shear pin then tap out damaged pin.
Tap on animals
when iais 2013 results out
Select the System Settings icon on the HOME Menu, and tap "Open."Select Parental Controls from the System Settings menu, and tap "Yes."Create a four-digit PIN, and tap "OK."Enter the PIN a second time and tap "OK."Select a secret question, and tap "OK."Enter the answer and tap "OK."Tap "Set Restrictions."When restrictions are complete, tap "Done" to save the settings.Source: nintendo.com