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You will thank me later contact

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You don't. They're deleted.

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You will thank me later cheers mate

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Q: How do you obtain deleted wall messages on facebook?
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Are messages on facebook private?

Most messages are private, but not messages you post on someone's wall.

If you delete a post on your Facebook wall will it be deleted from live feed also?

No it will not.

How do you know if someone is on your Facebook wall?

Usally its if your stuff starts changing or if they have deleted. Friends, pictures, ect

How do i find something my friend put on my facebook wall but deleted it?

hmm..i think you should see your mail box...otherwise..its not possible.....

If a message sent over Facebook shows up in your sent messages folder but not on the wall of the person you sent the message to does that mean they still got the message?

When you send a message on Facebook, your message is private between you and the recipients. It will not appear on the recipient's wall.

Can you recover deleted wall posts from facebook?

If someone writes on your Wall, it will email you to notify you of this, if you have the option enabled. It shows you what they wrote, right in the email. However, if you don't have the email, and the wall post has been deleted, you can't recover it. Maybe try to contact the Facebook support, and they might be able to do so, but they probably can't.

How does my top fans work?

This application ranks your friends based on how often they interact with your Facebook wall. Interactions counted include wall posts, comments, likes, gifts and other public items posted to your wall. In accordance with the Facebook Privacy Policy, we do NOT count page views or private messages.

How should you email Jay Sean?

You can send him messages on twitter (@jaysean) or write on his facebook wall but he doesn't have a fan e-mail yet.

Can everybody on Facebook see your emails?

If you're talking about messages, then no, they can't see them. People can only see what you post on your wall or other people's walls.

What is the Wall in Facebook?

Wall photos come up as a folder in your photos, they are the photos that you put on your wall as like a status, they are posts you have made. :D

How do you get rid of unwanted tabs on Facebook?

Click on the tab that you want deleted. There will be a pencil looking thing next to the tab name. Click on it, then click delete tab. The wall, info, photos, and boxes tab can't be deleted. You can delete photos though.

How do you recover deleted facebook wall post?

Once a post is deleted, it is not possible to recover it. Always be careful not to delete items you still need. However, if the post is important to an official investigation, authorities may be able to recover the post from the company records.