Be nice to him so he can be nice to you, because how do you expect people to be nice to you if you aren't nice to them.
Try having a calm and honest conversation with your brother about how his actions make you feel. Express your feelings and listen to his perspective as well. It may also be helpful to establish boundaries and communicate clearly about what behavior is acceptable to you.
Be romantic toward him. Be extra nice, and make small moves.
You can help your brother with homework or chores.
be nice to him. apologize if you did something he doesnt like, and if he HATES you, try to make peace.
I tried this on my brother it does work at night time when there asleep you think of they boy in your head and then you repeat in your head be nice to me be nicer to me try it it does work
A brother is a gift sent from nature.
the name is love you to bro have a nice day
you can do make overs and if you have a nice brother or dad you can put makeup on them to....
Yes, Brother does have some nice modes of sewing machines specifically for embroidery. The Brother SE400 Computerized Embroidery/ Sewing Machine and the Brother LB6770PRW Project Runway Sewing-and-Embroidery Machine are two highly recommended ones.
ya as a brother he's really nice. i don't know how nice he is as a friend. {i'm his sister}
yes babies r nice but i was mean 2 my brother when i was a baby
He likes you/ Hes nice to you because you are his brothers girlfriend