Most of the accuracy is in how the shooter holds the rifle / gun.
Also use heavy pellets such as H&N match pellets. Pellets come in different weights, a lightweight pellet will fly faster but will drift off target easier. A heavy pellet will fly slower but will fly straighter and have more knock down power. An example is a H&N Barracuda match .177 pellet that weighs 10.85 grain compared to a H&N speed match .177 that weighs 7.65 grain.
Also holding the gun the same way every time improves accuracy. When holding a rifle do not hold the front forearm tight. Let it float on the palm of your hand. Some shooters rest the forearm on the back of their hand. It's an art that takes time to develop.
Actually a BB gun is an air gun. But an air gun also includes pellet guns and rifles. BB guns are the bottom end of the air gun family. Pellet guns are more accurate than BB guns and they usually cost more.
Most pellet rifles are capable of killing a nutria. A few of the more powerful pistols can also kill a nutria. Do not use a BB gun. they are less accurate and may only injure the rodent.
It all depends on the model and who made the pellet gun. I suggest that you re-post the queston with the model and make of the pellet gun to get an answer.
Sometimes it will.
It is more painful when the pellet does not burst. It often creates a welt.
No, a pellet gun can't kill a bear it will only make it angry. There for it will eaither attack you or just ignore it.
If you are asking about a BB gun, Then they are inherently inaccurate. If it's a pellet gun, then use heaver pellets. Yes Pellets come in different weights. Heavy pellets fly slower but much straighter than light weight pellets.
Pellet guns shoot lead pellets. The advantage of a lead pellet is that it is heavy, and can be shaped into an aerodynamic cone shape that cuts through the air. They are also more responsive to the rifling inside the barrel and spin as they fly. Pellet guns are actually quite different (and much more accurate) than bb guns. You can actually kill small animals with a pellet gun so if you are looking for something that's more of a toy you might want to get an airsoft gun. Those shoot plastic bb's and are non-lethal.
Pellet guns are more powerful. They are stronger because they use a CO2 Gas, whil BB guns are spring-powered.
It depends on the model and the caliber of the Pellet gun.
You need to be more specific as to what gun and what "accurate" is. However In general electric markers are more consistent that mechanical ones, which would make them more accurate.