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The basic plan for weight lossis always the same: burn more calories than you eat. But over the course of only one week there isn't much to be done. On any sensible diet you might be able to lose 4 pounds, but more likely 2-3. On a crash diet you can lose some more, but you're more than likely to put those back on again as soon as you turn back to your regular habits. A crash diet isn't sustainable in the long run and isn't particularly sensible even short term.

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Q: How do you lose weight within 1 week?
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How much weight is health to lose in 1 wk?

It is healthiest to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

is it possible to loose 5 pounds within the week with this product?

While it is possible to lose 5 pounds of weight with this trainer, it is likely that most of that weight would be water weight. Safe and healthy body weight regimens of any kind usually target about 1-2 pounds weight loss per week MAXIMUM. It would very difficult, if not near impossible, to lose 5 pounds of real fat within a week, no matter what type of exercise you do.

How can you lose 24 lbs in 1 week?

You cannot lose 24 pounds of body weight in one week by any natural means.

How do you lose 40 pounds in 1 week?

Sorry- there is no way to lose 40 pounds in one week that would not kill you. A weight loss diet will typically reduce weight by about 2 pounds a week. Even if you ate NOTHING for a week you would not lose 40 pounds.

How much weight should you lose weight in a week?

Depends on how much you weigh but 1 pound or more is great

How do you lose lots of weight in one week?

Sorry, you would not be able to lose a significant amount of weight in one week, it has been proven unhealthy to lose much more than half a kilogram in a week (that's if you are an ideal weight already) but for an overweight person who has tens of kilos to lose they may be able to lose 1 or 2 kg in a week, but if they are fat, that wouldn't make much of a difference, It takes time! Good luck xxx

How much weight would you lose if you reduced your calories by 4200 a week?

About 1 pound and 3 ounces per week.

How much weight could you lose maximum in a week?

1 - 2 pounds a week to lose weight is highly recommended. You can lose 8 - 10 pounds a month in a healthy way. Make sure you don't over exercise like you want to lose weight 20 pounds a month because its not a healthy way of losing weight.

Will I see weight loss immediately on diet?

You should lose about 1-2 pounds a week, that is actual weight loss.

What is the recommended number of pounds to lose per week safely and keep the weight off?

1 to 2 pounds per week.

What is a healthy weight to lose in 1 month keep in mind you want to lose 63 poubds?

2-3 lbs per week