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intense exercise.

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Q: How do you lose 30 pounds in 2 monthes without pills?
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How can you lose pounds without taking pills?

Eat healthier and exercise more.

Im 15 and you weigh 133 pounds how can you lose weight without taking pills and not eating?

u wanna lose weight? I think you dont have to. for your age i think its average..

What makes Gary Heavin an expert?

He helped me to lose 150 pounds in a year and a half without surgery or harmful diet pills. His approach to weight loss in sensible and healthy.

How do you make penis bigger without pills?

lose your weight man ")

How can you lose 15 pounds without dieting?


How can a man lose 10 pounds in a week without diet pills?

By cutting his leg off. 10 pounds in a week is an entirely unrealistic goal and nothing short of surgery will let you reach that. 2-3 pounds/week is a more realistic and doable goal.

If you do a thousand sit ups without stopping how many pounds will you lose?

proabably lose aboutt 1.5 pounds

How do you lose weight without your parents noticing?

lose about 5 pounds a month

How do you lose belly fat without changing your diet?

exerxise or take diet pills

What kind of pills cause weight loss?

Diuretics can help you lose a small amount of weight temporarily. Orlistat (Xenical/Alli) can help you lose an average of 6 pounds. Otherwise, there are no weight loss pills that are known to work.

How do you lose 27 pounds?

Regardless of sex, if you are 5'3" tall, you should not weigh 100 pounds. The healthy weight for a person of that height is between 115 and 140 pounds.

How do your lose weight without dieting surgery or pills?

It is all about portion sizes. Sorry but that is all i can give you.