Would you like to see the "Owners Manual" for the V350. Crosman has it online. See the link below. The loading port in on top of the barrel.
No the Crosman V350 is a BB rifle only
See the link below for the parts manual from Crosman.
I do not know of any model I-350 made by Crosman, but they did make a push barrel rifles known as a model V350 between 1961-69
This is a Crosman model V350 it was made for Sears between 1961-1969
This is a Crosman model V350 it was made for Sears between 1961-1969
Prior to 1980. ---------------------------------------- This is a model V350 made by Crosman ( For Sears ) it was made between 1961-69
The Crosman model V350 in fair condition is worth around $30 in excellent condition it is worth $120. Mfg 1961-69 Add 20% for the box, 200% for the gold plated version and $300-% to 500% for the military version.
This is a JC Higgins model air rifle made for Sears by Crosman air gun company. Its really a Crosman model V350 made between 1961-69. It's a push barrel BB rifle.
This air rifle was made by Crosman air gun company. In reality it is a Crosman model V350. Crosman has the parts manual online See the link below. Crosman also offers a service to locate shops that repair older Crosman air rifles.
See the link below for the Crosman 1300. It is similar to the 1322 model.
Crosman offers a free service to locate shops that repair older Crosman products. See the link below.
Both Crosman and Daisy made airguns for sears under the JC Higgins brand name. Any sears model air gun that started with 126 was made by Crosman. Any air gun model starting with the numbers 799 was made by Daisy. Here is an Example: Sears model 126.10294 was made by Crosman and is really a Crosman model V350