This air rifle was made by Crosman air gun company. In reality it is a Crosman model V350. Crosman has the parts manual online See the link below. Crosman also offers a service to locate shops that repair older Crosman air rifles.
Check your local phone directory for Gunsmiths.
Do a google search for JC Higgins Model 29 and you will find a downloadable PDF file for the original owners manual. That is where I got mine and yes, it is the original owners manual. The gun was made by High Standard for Sears Roebuck starting in about 1955 or so and you can find some parts for it at
Answer Slide action BB gunHI. In the late 50's I had a slide action BB gun that was made by Daisy. Hope this helps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The model 126.102940 was made by Crosman air gun for Sears under the JC Higgins brand name. It actually is a Crosman model V350 made between 1961-1969. It's a push barrel BB rifle.(See the link below for the owners manual)
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Oh, isn't that a lovely question, my friend? You can try reaching out to vintage gun shops or searching online auction sites for a parts manual for your JC Higgins 22 caliber pellet gun model 126.19320. Sometimes, fellow enthusiasts in online forums may also have helpful resources to share. Just keep looking, and I'm sure you'll find what you need.
Gun Shops And Internet!
You can find it on the Crosman web page. The JC Higgins model 180 was made by Crosman Air guns. See the link below
You can try Numrich gun parts, ( )
e gun