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You know when you get dizzy and thirsty

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Q: How do you know when you are lightheaded?
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Can anxiety cause you to be lightheaded when you bend over and sit up?

No, unless your anxiety is about being lightheaded. If that is the case, your mind can trick your body into feeling lightheaded.

Why do i get lightheaded when you pass gas?

why you get lightheaded when i pass gas? simply because it smells like a$$!

I just dipped and ive been dipping for a while and got really lightheaded like I did my first time why?

Ive been dipping for awhile now, and I just put a dip in and got really lightheaded like I did my first time and its milking really fast, does anyone know why

Why do you get lightheaded when you stretch?

You are masturbating too much

Spotting and lightheaded?

If you are spotting and lightheaded, it is a good idea to see a doctor. You might be having a miscarriage if you are pregnant or you could have some type of uterine tumor.

Why when you clean your belly button piercing you get lightheaded?

I never got lightheaded when i cleaned mine. I only did when i took mine out and changed it. Everyone is different in their piercing though.

How quick can you get sick if giving out to much blood?

You will know before you have finished donating blood if it will make you sick. You will feel dizzy or lightheaded by the time you're done.

What does lightheaded mean?

It means you are very dizzy or high.

Can cervical spinal stenosis cause you to be lightheaded?


Why do you feel lightheaded when you stand up?

because your blood rushes around your body sometimes and your head feels weird.

When you tell your girlfriend you love her why does she get lightheaded and have a momentary loss of vision focus?

It is because she is like O.M.G.! She goes all crazy because you know those romance movies? She feels that she is in one that moment.

What compound words start with light?

lightheaded lighthouse lighthearted lightface lightweight