

Best Answer

If its a girl: a stained shirt or pants.

If its a boy: a pruny penis

Wow...quite a first answer, but this might be more helpful...This is a very loaded question, but some general guidelines are: they might become more questionable of your actions i.e. accusing you of cheating and/or asking more questions about who you will be with, etc.; they might be gone more often than not at odd hours. However, if you want to be certain, you should ask your spouse and give them the benefit of the doubt - you can't go making accusations on empty thougths without evidence.

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Q: How do you know when spouse is cheating?
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What do you do when you know your spouse is cheating but they dont know you know?

* Be very sure you do know your spouse is cheating on you before accusations start flying. If you know for sure then you need to start communicating with your spouse and let them know you are fully aware of what they are doing and you refuse to put up with it. It will be your decision alone to decide whether to stay with your spouse or leave them.

Should you Contact the cheating spouse mistress?

Probably not, you should let the cheating spouse know that you know he's cheating though! If you want answers, you can contact the mistress to get the truth... although she may just direct you back to your spouse and tell you to talk to him (to avoid confrontation).

Term for cheating on a spouse?

cheating ANSWER: what about Adultery and Adulteress

What are the consequences of cheating spouse?

Cheating your spouse is not a good thing. It could land you into loneliness and other miserable feelings.

Why does your spouse constantly tease that you are cheating?

Your spouse teasing you or not talking is common. They are feeling left out as you are cheating on someone else.

Is cheating lying?

ANSWER: Absolutely, if a person is not cheating nor seeing another person, there's nothing to lie about. But cheating on your spouse and he or she doesn't know you are betraying your partner that will be lying because your keeping secret.

Does cheating spouse affect ones couth?

I have had a real bad experience when it comes to relationship.... it was really a bad moment when i found out my ex is cheating on me..... thanks to the help of phackers483 @ gmail.... reddit introduce me to him and i seek his service to get to know what is going behind my relationship... i was really glad to know the truth and was able to stay away from bad relationship

Is having sexual intercourse with someone other than your spouse considered cheating even if you have your spouse's consent?

It is consented but in a way it still is cheating on them

What is the tell tale financial sign of a cheating spouse?

If a spouse wants clues to check them out financially checking credit cards to see if the cheating spouse is staying in motels or hotels; check phone records; bank statements or how much money the cheating spouse is taking out of the bank from a joint account.

Do spouse admit of cheating easily?

ANSWER: In my own opinion it depends on how deep the spouse is with the other person. But I do know most of men who do the cheating will try not to tell the truth so it will not put them in a deep trouble with his wife and children. And this include the man that I trusted and now divorce him.

What you think the hazards of cheating are?

It depends on individual, but for sure one of hazardous of cheating is the pain that you can give your spouse. It will make your spouse depressed, low self esteem, feeling not good enough, will loose the safety blanket that your spouse has from you. There are a lot of concequences when it comes to cheating.

What is Cheatin?

" Cheating" is when you sleep or had sex who is not your spouse. And sometimes you fell in love with this person who is not your spouse..