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Beer doesn't exactly expire persay. It may get skunky meaning that it doesn't taste as fresh but you can still drink beer after years of it sitting as long as the temperature hasn't drastically changed too much.

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Q: How do you know when a beer has expired?
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Related questions

What should I do with expired beer?

To dispose of expired beer, pour it down the drain or into a compost bin. Make sure to check local regulations for proper disposal methods.

Does expired beer lose its alcohol content over time?

Yes, over time, expired beer can lose some of its alcohol content due to oxidation and other chemical reactions.

What if you drink expired beer?

twice as unheathly It might not taste very good, but you would not be harmed. There are no known pathenogens that can survive in beer due to its alcohol and PH levels.

Which beer is know as the Americans fire brewed beer?

Stroh's Beer.

What happens if I drink expired beer?

hmmm nothing much but you might feel pain in your stomach and maybe vomit

What is the first beer in Nepal?

As long as I know, it is star beer.

Is beer good to drink if the date on can is out of date?

Beer is not good to drink past its expiration. Nothing is advised to be drunk past its expiration. The only partially acceptable thing expired beer can be good for is cooking with, however traces of unnecessary materials can be left even after the cooking process.

2007 sitekick codes?

its already expired you know!

How do you you know when medication has expired?

it says the expiration date

What are Beer names that begin with an e?

I know of Easter Beer, and Elderflower lager.

Is beer a colloid?

i do not know at all

What do you do if the statute of limitations has expired on a felony drug charge?

You need to consult with a criminal attorney. They will know whether the limit has actually expired.