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Stroh's Beer.

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Q: Which beer is know as the Americans fire brewed beer?
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I know that corona beer was brewed in Puerto Rico before moving it to Mexico. I can not find any information about this did Mexico buy the right to know?

I have heard that Corona was originally brewed in Puerto Rico, and that it was sold to Mexico as a consequence of Budwesier moving into the island. I cannot, as yet, find confirmation for this.

What have Americans invented?

Americans have invented a wide range of items, including the light bulb, airplane, internet, assembly line, cotton gin, and many others. Additionally, they have made significant contributions in the fields of technology, medicine, and entertainment, among others.

What ingredients are used to brew Stella Artois beer?

Stella Artois uses the classic beer recipe that's never been bettered: Barley malt, yeast, hops and water. That's all. Stella is brewed in Belgium, and I don't know what, if any, particular laws apply in Belgium as regards beer brewing. But I believe in Germany, the four ingredients listed above are the only ones that canbe in any beer, by law.

What are beer names that begin with the letter w?

WineGeneral category is Whiskey or wine or a more particular drink by name would be the drink White Russian.WassilWhiskeyWineThere is also a yummy drink called the Washington Apple made into either a shot or cocktail with Crown Royal® Canadian whisky, DeKuyper® Sour Apple Pucker schnapps and cranberry juice

Did Samuel Adams make beer?

Many people brewed their own beer in the 1700s. I don't know whether there is specific documentation on whether Sam Adams actually did so, but is is certainly likely. However, it is most unlikely that except for both being in the Boston area, there is any other connection between today's Sam Adams beer and the Revolutionary war patriot and possible eighteenth century brewmaster.

How do you know when your tea is brewed?

First you boil the water, then you pour it over the tea, wait about 2 minutes, then it is brewed. Wait longer if you like strong tea.

Do not give the dragon any more beer Tacheles a Berlin bar is home to a well know dragon that does what?

Breathes fire (blows flames)

What is the first beer in Nepal?

As long as I know, it is star beer.

What are Beer names that begin with an e?

I know of Easter Beer, and Elderflower lager.

Is beer a colloid?

i do not know at all

What is really funny appropriate joke?

there are lots but ill tell you a few today root beer joke: what do trees drink? A: root beer get it ROOT beer skeleton joke: what did the french skeleton say before he ate his food? A: bone appetite get it? BONE appetite? not bon but bone! every one might know this one the chicken joke: why did the chicken cross the road? A: to get to the other slide! get it not SIDE but SLIDE! warrior cats joke:how does fire heart get angry? when he gets to much FIRE HEAT! get it not fire heart but fire heat! okay that's all im going to tell you folks now bye bye!

does non alcoholic beer have sugar?

I do not know