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Q: How do you know what model a browning 12gauge is with numbers 212584?
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What year was browning shotgun manufactured with serial 212584?

No way to answer without knowing the model.

How can you tell what model browning 12 gauge shotgun is with ivory diamond shape inserts in stock has browning 6 shot on forearm numbers 212584 on forearm receiver and extractor safety is in front of?

Requires in person examination.

How can you tell what model browning 12 gauge shotgun is with ivory diamond shape inserts in stock has browning 6 shot on forearm numbers 212584 on forearm receiver and extracto safety is in front of?

This weapon will need to be appraised and compared against known samples.

How old is a browning 12gauge sn H66756?

With the serial number that you provided,your Browning standard model auto-5 shotgun was produced by FN of Belguim for Browning in the year 1955.

What year was a browning shotgun 12gauge automatic B34587 made and how much would it be worth?

what model of browning semi-auto shotgun are we talking about?I show no B prefix to the serial number on the browning auto-5 shotguns made.

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i have a shotgun double barrel, i think it maybe 12gauge with Richard or righard on the plate below the barrel, the butt of the shotgun has browning automatic on it, which made me think it was a browning, but it is not...can you help me id the shotgun and what the value is

Where is model located on a belgian made browning?

Model numbers are included in the sn, depending on when it was made.

Is there a T model Browning Hi Power?

T serial numbers yes, T Model, no.

You have the browning auto-5 12gauge mangnum serial 73Vxxxxx what is this V and the 73 is the year thanks for information chofoba3gmailcom?

V stands for 12 ga. MAGNUM (the model), and 73 is for the year 1973.

What is the model and date of manufactured for a Browning 12gauge serial number 252px20818?

We couldn't find the model 252. There is a Citori model that is 253, however if you could describe what type of action you have such as Over/Under, Automatic, pump - it would help. "PX" stand for made in 1983.

Can you tell age of a Browning pistol only words on left side of barrel browning arms company right side of barrel made in belgium 22 long rifle?

No- but if you find the serial number on the pistol, go to the Browning website. Browning has seachable production records based on model numbers, and serial numbers within that model.

Are there serial numbers on brownings and where?

Every Browning has a serial number on it. The location depends on the model.