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For me my breasts were really tender. At times just touching them would be painful.

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Q: How do you know pregnancy even before missed period?
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What is the right time to determined pregnancy before a missed period?

Pregnancy can be determined by todays over the counter tests as early as 3-5 days after fetilization, which is roughly the same time as ovulation (egg release). Therefore, its a question of when the person ovulated, and not when the missed period is. Home pregnancy tests can be positive even before a missed period.

After how many days should you take pregnancy tests after missed period?

after your missed period you can take it at any time. you can take it up to 4 days before even.

Can cramps and lower back aches be a sign of pregnancy even before a missed period and a neg test?

Yes, but not likely.

Do you have to test for pregnancy in the morning even after you missed your period?

Yes - it is more accurate then

How far into pregnancy do you need to be to have a positive home pregnancy test?

The most accurate tests claim to have around an 80% accuracy rate five days before your missed period. The day you are supposed to have your period the accuracy goes up and it goes up even further days after your missed period.

Can you tell if your pregnant the very next day?

No. It can take a while before the sperm even finds the egg and then there is a time when the egg is being fertilized. Detection usually occurs once you have missed a period by a pregnancy test. some can even dectect is a few days before a missed period.

2 days late when should i take a pregnancy test?

You can take a pregnancy test when you are 2 days late. The tests now will show you are pregnant even before you have missed a period.

What does a positive pregnancy result mean if you are 7 days delayed from your pewriod?

it means that you are pregnant. a home pregnancy test can even tell you your pregnent as soon as 5 days BEFORE your missed period.

How soon can a pregnancy test detect pregnancy?

Usually, it can be indicated by a test around the first day of the missed period. Sometimes up to 4 days prior. I am 6 weeks pregnant now and my pregnancy home test detected it the day of my missed period..and if you go to the doctor the day of your missed period and they do a blood test,they will tell you if you are pregnant.Blood test is really the only certain/definate way.. I took a pregnancy test a week before my period was even due, with my first child and it came back positive.

Can you have symptoms of pregnancy just days after conceiving?

Early pregnancy symptoms can sometimes happen before a missed period and before a positive pregnancy test. Especially the 3, 4, 5, and 6 weeks pregnant signs. Early pregnancy symptoms and signs are usually related to the pregnancy hormone hCG or "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin" which is responsible for pregnancy signs. Even though hCG is usually not detectable in large number until after a missed menstrual period, there are many women who report having typical pregnancy symptoms even before they miss their period. There are early detection pregnancy tests available that can confirm pregnancy as early as 6 - 8 days after conception has occurred (well before a missed period).

I miss my period can i get chancees of pregnancy how to identify ot?

There are many different reason why someone might miss their period even when they are not pregnant. I you have missed a period, then it is best to get it checked out by a physician to rule out any conditions or diseases that may be causing the missed period other than pregnancy.

Is it possible to get pregnant even without missed period?

No, it isn't possible. Even with a missed period it isn't always a dead given. Even with pregnancy symptoms it isn't always a dead given it could just be a hormonal imbalance. Sorry.