if he calls you names like 'beautiful' 'cutie' names like that, and if he doesn't go staring at over girls aswell.
i dont know i am a boy your boyfriend is probably attracted to you
Dont know, your not sexually attracted to him?
Study the way he acts toward other men.
If he is having sex with her he is probably attracted to her.
You cannot be a lesbian if you seriously have a boyfriend - who you are sexually attracted to, you might be bisexual -if you are sexually attracted to girls too and not just curious. Of course you don't wanna kiss anyone besides your boyfriend, if you had a girlfriend it would be the same thing, you kiss the one you love. But since you don't know, then i think you are not.
she is hot
Well if he is attracted t6o girl that are totally different from you, then he just thought you are just easy to score. But if you don't know, then maybe he is just trying something different.
Well, she has a boyfriend, so don't get your hopes too high... If they break up, drop a few hints, and then make your move. Hope I helped =)!!!
nothing. dont worry i guess you are also attracted to other people than your boyfriend. that is normal. but if he tries to make a move on her, better forget about him. he's not worth it.
it means he doesn't want to be with you anymore.
A girl should be attracted to her boyfriend. Nothing 'happens' except that they love each other.
well that means you mite be attracted to him in more that a crushy way, but dont do anything bad thinking you love him.