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He is respectful and focused. Just ask him! AnswerEveryone has a hard time answering this question- even me. If you are brave enough to ask, try to wait until you have him buttered up and alone. Then, come out with a simple question that can lead into your question. For your starting question, you can say something like, "Would you even think about dating so and so?" Then as he answers, provide him with more names, and then finally the, "What about me?"

You can also tell a guy likes you if he is willing to hang around you, even when his friends are around. What I try to do is watch his body language; opening doors, helping me if all my books fall over, lending me a pen, sitting next to me instead of with all his friends, ect. Just keep your eye open for things he'll only do for you, not any other girls. For example, he might volunteer to do something with you, or you might catch him staring at you. Even something as little as lending you a pencil in math class, and not asking for it back or not sharing with the other girls can be signs of him liking you.


Sometimes it can be a disater because you cant catch any of those signs. Or maybe you did but think about it, he's probably thinks is no big deal to help a friend out. If that what you mean by like then yes. however in relationships, no.

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15y ago
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14y ago

If you are gay, and dreaming of cock- you like guys.

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15y ago

if a guy likes you he will: smile at you, stare, talk/hang out a lot, he will try to get to know you. hope this helps.

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The one way is he is mean to you

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