If you have been convicted of a felony, a crime of domestic violence, or are an unlawful user of controlled drugs, you have. Check with the State Police in your home state.
If you're a felon in the U.S. you have lost your gun rights, however, if you think you have lost your gun rights for some reason, you should consult a local attorney familiar with gun laws.
Well, California doesn't respect gun rights, period, and if you've lost them, then the answer is probably no. That being said, we can't say definitively - we'd need to know why you lost them in the first place in order to do that.
Depending on what you lost them for, you very well might not be getting them back.
Depends on how you lost them, and where. Laws vary from one place to another.
Impossible to answer without knowing how they were lost. Details matter. If they were lost for a conviction of something which was a felony under federal law, the odds are pretty much null.
It's not the Declaration you look to in order to find your gun rights. The Constitution's Second Amendment is where our gun rights in America are derived from.
Find a lawyer familiar with firearms law and explain your situation.
Democrats in the United States are typically opposed to gun rights.
How di you get gun rights back in the state of California
If it's just the BATFE doing this (which is highly unlikely), a federal judge could overturn it. If you've lost your gun rights for reasons of being a convicted felon, or a number of other disqualifying factors under federal law, no.
Anyone convicted of a felony is instantly disqualified from purchasing guns in the U.S. You can sometimes have your rights restored, but it's a process you have to go through, not something that just happens. If you want to see about having your gun rights restored, check with a local attorney familiar with the process.
They were lost, due to the rights against the people.