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Democrats in the United States are typically opposed to gun rights.

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Q: What do Democrats think about gun rights?
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What do Democrats think about gun control?

That depends on whether a particular democrat is liberal or conservative generally. Although becoming rare, many democrats are ardent gun-rights supporters. Check the NRA scorecard that they maintain on individual politicians to find out their individual voting record on gun-issue. That is the most accurate way to find the answer.

How do you know if your gun rights have been removed?

If you're a felon in the U.S. you have lost your gun rights, however, if you think you have lost your gun rights for some reason, you should consult a local attorney familiar with gun laws.

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Democrats have a history of supporting equality for all Americans. Gay rights are no different.

Who were the dixiercrats?

States Rights Democrats

What are the democrats?

Democrats and Republicans view rights and freedoms differently. Like with members of other parties, there are a few Democrats who dislike people who hold different views. At least according to their stated views, Democrats oppose racism, pollution, homophobia, and any attempt to curtail reproductive rights.

What are the Democrats against?

Democrats and Republicans view rights and freedoms differently. Like with members of other parties, there are a few Democrats who dislike people who hold different views. At least according to their stated views, Democrats oppose racism, pollution, homophobia, and any attempt to curtail reproductive rights.

What is the democrats position on women's rights?

Democrats are for women's rights, but it would not be correct to say that Republicans are not for women's rights. Democrats tend to put peoples rights in a very high position in regard to other issues. Republicans simply put other issues in a high position in regard to women's rights. This means that although Democrats think that abortion is a terrible thing and are alarmed by the number of abortions in the country they put the rights of women to come to agreement with their families and physicians about what medical procedures are appropriate above government interference. Republicans thinking that abortion is a terrible thing and being alarmed by the number of abortions in the country put interfering with the process that may lead to abortion ahead of a woman's rights to come to her own conclusion with the help of her families and physician.

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Why didn’t all Democrats support harry Truman in 1948?

Dixiecrats were angry he supported civil rights. Storm Thurmond took the support of southern Democrats.

How Obama feels about gun control?

Obama is a Democrat. Democrats are liberal. Liberals support heavy gun control.

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they are for it

What is a moral conservative?

Conservatives who think that they're better than regular conservatives and all democrats. Moral Conservatives try to take people's rights away while claiming that they are giving people more rights.