When the woman goes through menopause or either the man and woman have health problems.
Uh, i cant really answer that sweetie but my kids know.. Uh, i cant really answer that sweetie but my kids know..
you cant... well i know you cant on ps2.
no they cant i dont know why
You cant anymore its not on it got bad ratings i believe i was on the show i was gian
In the Instruction Manual it says you can have kids, but in the game the beds are made of wood and have no covers. So, I don't know. Sorry! :'(
you cant have kids on any of the Sims Nintendo games i know its really not at all that fun without being able to raise kids in the game but you can still get a sims computer game and have kids
because when you were a child you proboly did that to your parents and that is like payback .......now u know suck it up because you cant do nothing an they are your kids. Also is you fault that you have kids u kno what i mean ....u know what you would go thru YOUR WELCOME
Cant tell you that, but i know i website who does. Go to google and type bmi calculator for kids.
go to the tomb and I don't know where the heck is the tomb and cant be won because im a Muslim
the cant
They can.
No you cant