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For me, it makes my insides feel like they're vibrating. I get really happy. Sometimes my skin feels like it's on fire, but it feels good. I feel like I can't move any of my body parts unless I think about. And it seems like time is passing really slow. Then my eyes get red and they feel really heavy, and the feelings start to fade. Coming down from the high is when I and most people get the munchies. Some people get the munchies during the high. I'm high as I write this. Ha!

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9mo ago

You may feel euphoria, relaxation, altered perceptions such as heightened senses, and increased appetite. Other potential signs include bloodshot eyes, dry mouth, slower reaction times, and impaired coordination. It's important to use marijuana responsibly and in a safe environment.

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Q: How do you know if you're getting high off weed?
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Where does weed grow from?

from youre garden

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Getting high and feeling ridiculously awesome

How much marijuana can you get for 25?

For $50 You Can get 3.5 Grams Of Weed. Or Depending if you got a nice hook up and/or how good or stong the weed is (High Quality) is Around 50-60$ a 3.5 gram bag. (Middle Quality) Is like 35-40$ (Low Quality) is not worth buying lol but would be like 20-25$ That's the prices around here and mainly you want High Quality Weed cus the "High" Is better.

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It means getting high and smoking weed.

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As in Weed/Pot/Marjuana? You shouldnt be getting high as it is against the law in every state/province except California.

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I forget what spices it is, but if you go on youtube and search manswers(getting high legally) it will say

Can smoking wheet get you high?

No I dont think so but the only thing I know that u can get high off weed

How much is a pound of weed in us dollars in mexico high quality?

Don't know

Can weed help you study for a test?

smoking weed before an exam is not advised because theres the chance you might do too much and end up not being able to focus at all. but if youre bent on the idea of doing that then there is a certain amount where if you smoke just enough youre not gone and you are actually able to think better. but you must be comfortable with weed before attempting this

Will smoking weed 3 days before surgery affect the anesthesia?

if youre dead nao. no

Is there a difference between sour diesel weed and regular weed?

people that say ragular weed don't know much about weed. each weed has a name reffered to as a strai. sour diesel is a strain of weed its a pretty good starin good flavor and pretty high THC level

What causes globulin to get high?

Goblins can;t smoke weed, i know from a first hand encounter