unless the guy is blind or Ryan seacrest its almost guaranteed hes looking
When a guy looks at your butt, it could mean he finds you physically attractive or he is simply checking you out. However, it's important to remember that staring can be disrespectful and it's best to communicate boundaries if you're uncomfortable.
If a guy's eyes pop out when they look at you, it may indicate that he finds you attractive or is surprised in a positive way. It could also suggest that he is interested or intrigued by you.
He is shy around you! He likes you a lot but to scared to say anything.
Many girls feels like a piece of meat when guys do that and also when they stare at our breasts. It's very rude and not flattering to be reduced to a butt or a chest when you can actually come up and talk to someone you are interested in. Of course if all you really are interested in is my butt breasts I can not take that as a complimant because apparently my butt and breasts is the only interesting thing about me. I can not think of one guy that would find it flattering and who would not become embarrassed if I and other girls and women would stand and stare at your butt and package. You know how guys are, nudge nudge wink wink, point and stare, whisper and forming big breasts with your hands just to really show the guys how big they are. Yeah we could do the same! Not so flattering if you think about it.
It means he's checking you out to see if you have a nice butt.
Probably a mole..
If a guy is truly in love, then will know by the way he looks at her, acts with her and talks about her when she is not there.
That he wants to "get to know you better."
when he looks at you and smile
if you look at him and he looks at you back.
he looks at you alot
If she looks like a guy
it means that he's hitting on you and wants to get to know your boobs LOL i no cuz i am a guy hope you have a nice butt
well i only know a few butt here it goes 1 he will be more nice to u then other ppl 2 he will call you to ask what the homework is butt he just really wants to hear your voice 3 he looks at you a lot and when you look at him he kinda blushes
Don't worry, that is a good thing. As i guy, i say that the boy admires your backside.
The way he looks at you will make you know if he really is crunching on you.