Check your barrel, serial number, and other things that are clearly visible or worn on the gun. Take it to your local gun place if you are still finding trouble. There are also plenty of online sites you can visit to get the answer you are looking for!
i do not know do you think i know every thining
i dont know. i think it is
In order to answer your question correctly,I would need to know the model of Winchester shotgun that you are asking about and the serial number of the shotgun in question.
It is over 30 years that I know
Liege is the city in Belgium where it was made. Would need to know ALL the markings on the shotgun.
You have to be 18 years old, to legally own a shotgun.
My Triumph shotgun is seventy-six years old.
I don't know the age, but this shotgun was made by Noble. Their model number was 60-66.
What do you want to know? How much is a W. Moore Double Barrell with Hammers worth.Really OLD?
How do you identify the model of an old Remington shotgun with ser # 232022
Impossible to date it just by serial number alone. Must know who made it and ALL markings.
I need to know what model we are talking about? is it the citori,or is it a superposed.