Form my experiences the guy always looks at you or tries to be beside you as much as possible. If he's shy then he'll look away when he figures out you see him looking at you, but if he's not (WARNING MOST GUYS ARE SHY, EVEN THE POPULAR ONES) then you will keep looking at you and might smile; just try to smile back.
And if you try to get a friend to ask him if he likes you (even if you say you like him) it won't work 99% of guys deny they like a girl. They need to be 100% sure she likes her back, first. (if you want to prove to a guy YOU LIKE HIM back then say it to his face all guys know that's the only way to be sure.) And if there's a dance coming up DON'T get your friend to ask him out for you...80% of guys say NO because YOU NEED TO ASK THEM!! Guys are smarter then we girls think.
Also, he will find any reason get close to you. If you like that guy then tell him how you feel TO HIS FACE! Or else he'll never be sure and you guys will never becaume a couple :(... and if you want to know if a guy likes you then he might (10%) chance tell you how he feels to your face...but usually guys (popular or not) keep it for them self and will only tell you if they know you like them ...don't lie to him tough just try to see if he does the signs above.
Hope I helped and good luck :)
That's exactly what I wonder!! i like this guy named Scott, I don't know if he likes me back so I asked my friend and she never did it. I never had the guts to go up to him and ask him out.
he went to paru
make conversation, and give him questions that are difficult but that will make him say that he likes you. ask him what he likes in you.
Not sure how to answer your question, however i know that the name Algebra came fom an Arabic name which was the person who started Algebra as we call it guy...
Make sure he likes you but also make sure he doesn’t notice you doing it then when he is about 13 ask him all the while making sure he still likes you he will agree or there is a good chance he will.
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Not sure how you expect someone to magically know something.
Ask him.
Get to know him better.If he acts interested in you,you know,if he acknowledges you and talks to you,there is a good chance he likes you.
Do you like him? If he likes you, you'll know. If you can't tell, then he probably isn't that into you.
You can know this by the things the guys says and do to you. Those are signs.
You will know if a guy likes you because he will ask you alot of questions and he will try to get to know you better,but don't think that just because he talks to you that he likes you,make sure that they are the right person!!!
I say if you know he likes you ask him out only if you know for sure so you don't get embarrassed if he says no
well, that depends on if you want to know if he likes you or not. if you dont want to know if he likes you, then you should probably move on.
1If he gives you a potato then it is true love
ask her... its really the only way to know for sure!
See if he tells you again and if he is laughing or snickering a lot