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dont pierce the gums

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Q: How do you keep tongue piercing from effecting the gum?
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How noticeable is a tongue piercing?

I am guessing this is a serious question, so if you keep your mouth shut no one will notice a tongue piercing and if you don't chew gum like a cow or laugh open mouthed you should be fine. Being an oral piercing they are not noticeable at all unless you draw attention to it, that's why I couldn't believe this was a legit question, so there you go.

Do tongue piercings hurt at first?

Yes, getting a tongue piercing can be painful initially due to the sensitivity and the location of the piercing. The level of pain may vary from person to person, but it is common to experience discomfort during and after the piercing procedure.

Do you have to get a surgery if youre tongue tied and want a tongue ring?

Lets understand the issue of being tongue tied, tongue tied means having and over developed frenial web connecting the bottom of the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. If this web is too long and reached the tip of the tongue then tongue piercing can't be done safely. Piercing the tongue to one side of the web or the other will not resolve the issue and can only cause further oral health issues down the road. The only way to get a tongue that is "tongue tied" pierced is to see an oral surgeon and have a frenectomy done. This is where the frenial web is cut back so the tongue appears to be the same as a normally developed tongue. This procedure is expensive and is generally not done unless the web is causing other issues for the individual like impairing speech. Tongues are generally pierced three quarters of an inch back from the tip of the tongue. The barbell is sized by the piercer to allow for swelling and freedom of movement and will need to be shortened after two weeks post piercing to prevent dental damage and gum regression. Piercing the tongue any further ahead will cause issues with dental damage and gum regression. Any one who has or believes they have a tied tongue should consult with there doctor and dentist before considering getting a tongue piercing. Not every piercer knows how to handle these situations so you need to know you are dealing with a truly experienced body piercer and not some novice who hasn't got the experience of training to handle this form of piercing properly. Aftercare for the tongue piercing is the same regardless of the tongue in question, these instructions will be given to you by your professional body piercer verbally as well as in writing.

How can you get rid of tongue tie because you want your tongue pierced and heard that it will be almost at the tip and you dont want that?

Lets understand the issue of being tongue tied, tongue tied means having and over developed frenial web connecting the bottom of the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. If this web is too long and reached the tip of the tongue then tongue piercing can't be done safely. Piercing the tongue to one side of the web or the other will not resolve the issue and can only cause further oral health issues down the road.The only way to get a tongue that is "tongue tied" pierced is to see an oral surgeon and have a frenectomy done. This is where the frenial web is cut back so the tongue appears to be the same as a normally developed tongue. This procedure is expensive and is generally not done unless the web is causing other issues for the individual like impairing speech.Tongues are generally pierced three quarters of an inch back from the tip of the tongue. The barbell is sized by the piercer to allow for swelling and freedom of movement and will need to be shortened after two weeks post piercing to prevent dental damage and gum regression. Piercing the tongue any further ahead will cause issues with dental damage and gum regression.Any one who has or believes they have a tied tongue should consult with there doctor and dentist before considering getting a tongue piercing. Not every piercer knows how to handle these situations so you need to know you are dealing with a truly experienced body piercer and not some novice who hasn't got the experience of training to handle this form of piercing properly.Aftercare for the tongue piercing is the same regardless of the tongue in question, these instructions will be given to you by your professional body piercer verbally as well as in writing.

Is anyone tonguetied and have a tongue ring I want to get my done but i dont want to be almost at the tip Please tell me your experienc?

Lets understand the issue of being tongue tied, tongue tied means having and over developed frenial web connecting the bottom of the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. If this web is too long and reached the tip of the tongue then tongue piercing can't be done safely. Piercing the tongue to one side of the web or the other will not resolve the issue and can only cause further oral health issues down the road.The only way to get a tongue that is "tongue tied" pierced is to see an oral surgeon and have a frenectomy done. This is where the frenial web is cut back so the tongue appears to be the same as a normally developed tongue. This procedure is expensive and is generally not done unless the web is causing other issues for the individual like impairing speech.Tongues are generally pierced three quarters of an inch back from the tip of the tongue. The barbell is sized by the piercer to allow for swelling and freedom of movement and will need to be shortened after two weeks post piercing to prevent dental damage and gum regression. Piercing the tongue any further ahead will cause issues with dental damage and gum regression.Any one who has or believes they have a tied tongue should consult with there doctor and dentist before considering getting a tongue piercing. Not every piercer knows how to handle these situations so you need to know you are dealing with a truly experienced body piercer and not some novice who hasn't got the experience of training to handle this form of piercing properly.Aftercare for the tongue piercing is the same regardless of the tongue in question, these instructions will be given to you by your professional body piercer verbally as well as in writing.

If iam tongue tied can you get your tongue pierced like a inch away from the tip?

It is not recommended to get your tongue pierced if you are tongue tied, as it can lead to complications such as difficulty speaking or eating. It's better to consult with a professional piercer or doctor for personalized advice.

How do you blow bubbles with gum?

you chew the gum then make it flat on your tongue next make the gum go in front of your tongue now stick out your tongue and then put your tongue back in your mouth with out closing it finally you blow then tatatatatata your bubble!! yes u can BUT u can always have a friend blow it for u

How long does a new tongue piercing have to stay in?

Lets understand the issue of being tongue tied, tongue tied means having and over developed frenial web connecting the bottom of the tongue to the bottom of the mouth. If this web is too long and reached the tip of the tongue then tongue piercing can't be done safely. Piercing the tongue to one side of the web or the other will not resolve the issue and can only cause further oral health issues down the road.The only way to get a tongue that is "tongue tied" pierced is to see an oral surgeon and have a frenectomy done. This is where the frenial web is cut back so the tongue appears to be the same as a normally developed tongue. This procedure is expensive and is generally not done unless the web is causing other issues for the individual like impairing speech.Tongues are generally pierced three quarters of an inch back from the tip of the tongue. The barbell is sized by the piercer to allow for swelling and freedom of movement and will need to be shortened after two weeks post piercing to prevent dental damage and gum regression. Piercing the tongue any further ahead will cause issues with dental damage and gum regression.Any one who has or believes they have a tied tongue should consult with there doctor and dentist before considering getting a tongue piercing. Not every piercer knows how to handle these situations so you need to know you are dealing with a truly experienced body piercer and not some novice who hasn't got the experience of training to handle this form of piercing properly.Aftercare for the tongue piercing is the same regardless of the tongue in question, these instructions will be given to you by your professional body piercer verbally as well as in writing.

Is chewing gum made of cat tongue?


How do you make bubble with bubble gum?

First, You chew it up into a ball. Next, You take then gum with your tongue and lift it to the top of you mouth. Then, You slowly push the gum through your teeth, then lips. After that, Your tongue should be sticking out with the gum wrapped around it. Finally, You blow.

How do you make fake tongue rings?

Pretty much impossible. You can fake other piercings with a ring on say the lip, ears, nostril, septum, etc. But with the tongue, you can't really fake a barbell. If you are really into having a piercing without having the piercing, and want a barbell appearance, you can apply silver beads to the skin with a movie grade skin glue called Spirit Gum. You can purchase magnetic tongue rings online but they can be swallowed easily. So you couldn't eat with them and they might move around.

Is it an allergic reaction if your tongue gets numb from gum?
