By the model number. The Legacy came in models 2201, 2211, 2202, 2212, 2203 and 2213. All fired a .22 caliber bullet
condition of Daisy 22 is excellent, like new.
Are you asking for the value? If so then it's the same for all models. In Excellent condition it would be worth around $100
First you have to tell us what condition the rifle is in. Is it Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor. Without this information it is impossible to give you an estimate of the value.
22 long is a type of 22 rimfire. Others are CB, short, long rifle and a few others .
The original was in caiber .44 Henry rimfire. Currently in caliber .22 rimfire. Which one?
@ 1.5 miles
Yes, if somebody says ".22 rifle" they almost certainly mean a rifle chambered for the .22 long rifle (or .22LR) round. The .22LR is a rimfire, as are the .22 short, .22 long, .22 CB, the .22WRF (Winchester Rim-Fire), and even the .22 Magnum (properly called the .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire or .22 WMR). There are other calibers of rifles that use bullets about the same bore size, but they have different names. They are higher-powered calibers. They are centerfire rounds, not rimfires. Examples would be the .22 Hornet; .222 and .223 Remington, .220 Swift, and .22-250.
Only if it's a .22 Long Rifle revolver. It's not compatible with the .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire.
.22 short, long, or long rifle rimfire ammunition only.
All firearms that are in caliber .22 Long Rifle (LR) or 22 Long or 22 Short are rimfires. If you look at the face of the bolt, you can see the firing pin. If it is in the very center of the bolt face, it is center fire. If at the edge of the face, it is rimfire.
22 Short, 22 Long, or 22 Long Rifle rimfire interchangeably.
Your marlin model 925R rifle accepts .22 long rifle ammo.It will handle any standard 22 long rifle ammo made.
"Regular .22 rimfire ammo IS .22 LR.