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@ 1.5 miles

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Q: How far will a 22 rimfire rifle shoot?
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Can you shoot a 22 LR from a 22 Hornet Rifle?

No. They are totally different size and shape cartridges. 22LR si rimfire, 22 Hornet is a centerfire.

How far can a 22 caliber rimfire loong rifle bullet travel?

Not quite 2 miles.

How far do rifles shoot?

Have fast can a car go? Depends on the car- and your question depends on the rifle. A .22 rimfire can shoot ACCURATELY about 150 yards, or about a mile maximum (no accuracy) A .50 Barret can shoot accurately over 2000 yards, or maximum of about 5 miles.

Do you have any instructions for dry shooting with a 22 caliber rifle and how do you dry shoot with a 22 caliber rifle?

You aren't supposed to dry fire .22 rifles because they are rimfire. If you want to do this, you need to find some .22 dummy rounds.

Can you use reg 22 cal in a 22 cal lr rifle?

"Regular .22 rimfire ammo IS .22 LR.

The best value 22 rimfire rifle?


How far can a 22 caliber air rifle shoot?

Depends on the rifle. Accurately? About 50 yards max.

Is there a difference between .22 rimfire and .22 long?

22 long is a type of 22 rimfire. Others are CB, short, long rifle and a few others .

How far does a 22 rifle shoot?

The projectile can travel up to 1.5 miles

Rimfire caliber for Henry repeating rifle?

The original was in caiber .44 Henry rimfire. Currently in caliber .22 rimfire. Which one?

How far does a person that wants to shoot a 22 Rifle need to be so they don't hear it shoot?

@ 1 mile

How far can a 22 long rifle shot?

From a rifle, about 1.5 miles- but they can shoot ACCURATELY about 100-150 yards.