Be creative. Being a female who was given a promise ring when I was 17 made me feel special. I'm not trying to generalize, but when a female knows that the guy put much thought and imagination in something just for them, it makes the girl feel extra special.
you could do it Simpson style, and take her Bowling and put the ring in the ball
20yrs old. at the earliest
Not bad, but a promise ring isn't much and a little chicken. I don't know your age or how long you have dated, but if you are over 21 and have been with this girl 2 years or more a promise ring is poor form. If you are serious step up to the plate and give her more than a promise.
Promise ring
when you give a girl a promise ring,a good thing to do is to be romantic. Like putting 365 things you like about her in a jar so she can open one up every day.
It is seen as old fasioned to kneel down to give a ring these days. It was usually done when giving an engagement ring and a romantic way of doing it.
It is very rare these days for a boy to give a girl a promise ring. They don't sell them in jewelry stores either, and they are very difficult to come across. Promise rings are very old school but do still exist.
Yes. Its perfectly okay. If she really loves you it shouldn't matter what you give her. She should be glad you thought of her.
what are some different ways to give a guy a promise ring
You dont
You can give/get a promise ring whenever if you have known the person long enough.