get a tummy tuck/ lipo
In the lower abdomen ... roughly that bulge between your navel and the top of your legs.
Inguinal hernia
lower abdomen
The ileum is located in the lower abdomen, specifically in the lower part of the small intestine.
The only way to get rid of lower abdominal and thigh fat is to exercise. Some of the best exercises to help try to cure this problem is squats, crunches, and planks.
The bleeding will last a few days or more, if you mean by "show" the bulge in your lower abdomen/pelvis, it depends on how far along you were and how much weight you have gained and if you have been pregnant before.
When there are no open skin wounds in the lower abdomen.
I had a prickling pain in my lower abdomen during the early stages of my pregnancy.
In the lower abdomen.
lower stomach area.