Since you click the U to get the text to become underlined, to git rid of the underline, highlight the text that was underlined, then click the U button.
Since you click the U to get the text to become underlined, to git rid of the underline, highlight the text that was underlined, then click the U button.
When writing the name of a textbook, it is underlined. This is because it is a book.
People may confuse underlined text with hyperlinks because traditionally on the internet, hyperlinks are represented by underlined text. This association has become so ingrained in user behavior that underlined text is often automatically assumed to be clickable. Additionally, the use of underlining to indicate importance or emphasis may further contribute to this confusion.
Underlined and in blue.
Underlined and in blue.
A hyperlink
Because most hyperlinks are underlined. It can also be pretty confusing if some one has underlined a word and coloured it in, as hyperlinks are usually coloured as well as underlined.
TEXT - Bold textTEXT - Italic textTEXT - Underlined textTEXT - Strike-out text:)