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Q: What is a text prints with an underscore?
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What prints with an underscore below each character?

Its called underlined text

What command prints text to the screen in Linux?

echo "This is my text."

How do you make an upside-down underscore?

An upside-down underscore, "¯", is created by holding the "Alt" key and then pressing 0175 on the numpad.

What are some text fetures?

captionstitle pagetitleheadingsub headingtable of contentbulletsbold prints

What is a device that prints text or graphics or paper?

A printer.

How do you use underscore on a iPad?

The email program does not support it for text entry, but other programs such as Pages do. Each program does it differently.

The text size is ok but the printer prints very small How do you correct it?

When I print any email on my printer it prints very small When I print any email on my printer it prints very small

What is underscore in German?

underscore = Unterstrich __

What is the tagalog word for underscore?

The Tagalog word for underscore is "gilid-tuldok" or "gitling."

What commands are used to prints text in java?

System.out.println("text"); or System.out.print("text"); Please note that Java is case sensitive, meaning you must match uppercase and lowercase exactly.

How to continue command in next line in vb6?

UnderScore, _ for normal statement and for string ampersand "&" character is required e.g.1 form1.textarea1.text = _ val(text2.text) e.g.2 form1.textarea1.text = "this is m" & _ "y complete message"

How do you get underscore on the mac?

Underscore is the _ character accessed by shift-hyphen