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The term 'Beer Belly' refers to the excess fat around the midsection.

Let's face it,
Beer has many calories ( around 100-150 cal for a can of light beer and 150-200 cals for regular beer).

The calories from beer affect your body the same way excess calories from any food effect the body:
If you ingest more calories than you burn the body convert the excess energy (calories) to fat which then becomes stored in your body as adipose tissue or better known as a beer belly, love handles, thunder thighs, hoola Hips, or a big booty.

Bottom Line- To lose the beer belly- or any excess fat- you should
-Drink Less
-Eat healthy foods

The reason why beer gets the bad rap over many other foods is that alcohol contains a very high calorie content with a very low nutrition content.

For example, when you eat Pizza, you are consuming fat, protien, carbohydrates and fiber; when you drink beer you are consuming sugars (carbohydrates) and not much else (so your body isn't working hard (burning calories) to digest the beer and it may even be hungry.

Add to this the fact that intoxicated people may have a problem judging how much alcohol they consume, and you end up with a Beer Belly!

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Would drinking beer give you a belly?

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