A beer belly is a large amount of fat stored in the abdomen, attributed to the consumption of beer.
No, goats do not have beer bellies. A beer belly is a term used to describe excess fat around the midsection of humans due to excessive alcohol consumption. Goats have a different anatomy and diet that does not include alcohol, so they would not develop beer bellies.
Oh yes
Consuming to much food causes discomfort and rubbing areas of discomfort is known to alleviate pain.
Starvation (lack of protein)
Some Sneetches have stars on their bellies, while others do not. This difference causes division and discrimination among the Sneetches in Dr. Seuss's story "The Sneetches."
men sit on the couch with their beer bellies and women go to work to save money for the family
The mice with beer bellies around the horses are eating sweet feed that the horses drop.
The distribution of fat is different in men and women. Men tend to get 'beer bellies', whereas women dont.
Yes the gas that causes beer to froth is carbon dioxide.
Enough for 4 people to fill their bellies