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Pregnancy is a result of sexual intercourse, AKA sex. If you are a minor ask a parent or other trusted adult about it.

When a man put his penis into the woman's vagina and ejaculates, the sperm cells will travel (swim) to the woman's ovarian tubes. Many millions start out, but only one normally has the chance to succeed. Every woman has many potential eggs inside of her, but usually only one is released at a time. If one sperm makes it to the egg and fertilizes it, an embryo will be formed that will grow into a baby.

The likelihood will depend on where the woman is in her cycle, her level of fertility, and the number and motility (health) of the sperm. Planned Parenthood or similar family planning clinics can help you.

If you want to become pregnant, you will first want to make sure you have ended all habits that are harmful or negative (cut back on the junk/fast food, no alcohol, no cigarettes, no caffeine, no illicit drugs, etc). Start taking a prenatal vitamin, or a regular daily vitamin and folic acid (the folic acid is very important).

Make sure you are financially stable enough to provide for a child. Make sure you have a stable relationship and the father can be a part of the child's life and wants to be a part of his/her life as well. Then buy an ovulation predictor kit and have intercourse around the times that you are expected to ovulate. Be sure to not use condoms or Birth Control pills/patch etc. It is not unusual for a couple to try for 6 months to 2 years before conceiving so be patient. If you are having difficulties after a year, you might want to talk to your OB/GYN.

A woman has a baby by making love with the man so having sex and the mans penis injects in to the vagina and produces sperm and that fertilizes the eggs in the woman tummy and produces a baby

Men and women make babies by mixing their sperm and egg, and then the egg is incubated in the woman for a number of months before the baby is fully formed and ready for his or her birthday.

Simple, two people have sex, or a man inserts his penis into the ladies vagina. that causes the sperm to go into the egg in the woman!

A man and a woman have intercourse. The sperm fertilizes the eggs released by the woman during ovulation. After a few months the egg develops into a fetus and into a baby.

Man and woman have sexual intercouse in the order to get a baby. If you are trying to find how sex is done then be a teen and be in class 9 or 8 and they will tell you all about it.

Because they are fertile and if you ejaculate in their vaginas they will likely get pregnant if their egg and the man's sperm make contact.

The natural ways is they have sex with a man who is capable of ejaculation. If the man's sperm meets and fertilizes the woman's egg, she could become pregnant. After conceiving the child (having sex then the sperm reaching the egg), a woman carries the baby for 9 months. They then give birth. Remember having sex doesn't always mean they will become pregnant -- there are medicines to prevent a woman becoming pregnant and there are devices such as condoms to prevent pregnancy. There are also other ways of getting pregnant such as a doctor taking the egg out of a woman's body, inserting the sperm into the egg, then putting the egg back into the woman. There is also medicines and techniques during sex to increase the likelihood of conception.

answ2. This is an extensive subject, and you could have a search for "human reproduction" with your favourite search engine. But first try asking your parents. If you have not passed puberty, some of the concepts will be difficult. If you do not know the answer to this question, ask one of your parents or a guidance counselor at your school.

First of all you need to talk with your partner about it. If both are ok with it, if you want to have a baby, have sex with her and just wait for it.

The easiest time for a woman to get pregnant is during ovulation. Another tip is to lay in bed for 10 to 20 minutes after intercourse.

You have sperm injected into your vagina.

You can do this artificially, with a turkey baster or other device used in a medical setting.

You can also complete the task by having a penis penetrate you in the act of sexual intercourse.

When one of the millions of sperm penetrates your ovum, you will become pregnant.

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