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yes. you are pregnant. You are so pregnant even pregnant people will call you pregnant.

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Q: Sharp cramps during intercourse last for ten mins could I be pregnant?
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How soon will you feel sharp pains if you're pregnant?

No, any cramps or bleeding while pregnant is abnormal and usually the sign of a miscarriage. If this occurs during a pregnancy go to the hospital straight away.

Is mild cramps that come and go a sign of pregnancy?

hi. Yes most defiently. when i was pregnant with my daughter i got cramps and sharp pains. hope this helps!

Already had my period and im experiencing gagging tiredness cramps that are sharp headaches mood swings what does that mean?

You could be pregnant. Take a test if you miss your period

Is slight cramping normal in the first trimester?

Yes cramping is normal during the first trimester. Its due to the baby growing and stretching you internally which is why you have cramps. Any bloody discharge, or spotting or sharp cramps should be reported to your doctor.

What does pelvic cramps feel like?

Like menstrual cramps they are dull to sharp, an ache, tugging or stabbing sensation low in the abdomen.

How do you know you miscarriage a baby?

Bleeding heavily, your pee can go from a darker yellow to a lighter yellow, random cramps. The cramps can be identified as menstrual cramps but some sharp pains.

You had your period for two days instead of the normal 5 days two days before it came you had sharp abdominal cramps could you be pregnant you are taking antibiotics for a TB infection since July?

Now listen, the cramps could be caused by a massive amount of food i wouldn't be worried about the baby and what not. Maybe get off the antibiotics!

What is a cure fore leg cramps?

Stab the area of cramp with sharp object. Cramp leaves instantly

During the first week that your pregnant do you get sharp pains in your stomach?

Not from the pregnancy.If you have sharp pains in your stomach, it is probably gas. If the pains don't go away within a few hours, or are very severe, see a health practitioner.

Im getting a sharp pain during intercourse and i resently stoped my birth control pills im i having this pain because i stopped the pills?

probably not, it could be a number of things. if it is a new partner it could a result of roughness during intercourse, it could be a result of you not being wet enough during intercourse. depending where the pain is it could be a cyst on the cervix or higher up. it could also be a yeast infection or a bladder infection. without more details that is the best i can give you. if it persists i would contact a physician

Is it more likely to be pregnant or have a miscarriage when two weeks late 5-6 Days of heavy sharp painful cramps that last about 5 minutes on average some are so brutal I need to sit or lay down?

Personally I would say miscarriage, but check with your doctor

Is there a difference between cramps and stomach aches?

cramps: can be in several sessions, sharp pains, usually related to periods or other body development stages. stomach ache: usually longer, not very sharp pains. Not usually related to body development or periods, more common, mostly caused from huger, or the need to use the restroom.