You could try nail polish remover but that might scrub the paint off your littlest pet shop just dab a little but if some of the paint gets wiped off then all i can say is buy a new duplicate of your pet :/...
You probably can't. Most things that will dissolve nail polish will also dissolve most plastics. You could try a little nail polish remover and see how that goes. If it makes the plastic sticky, stop using it immediately; your best option in that case is probably to try to scrape it off.
You have to get a littlest pet shop toy and get a password off of that toy
If you are saying " Can you get nail polish OFF a littlest pet shop" then I'm not sure but I don't think you can.
If you mean the first Littlest Pet Shop pet made, the answer is the tan Chihuahua, pet #1.
the littlest pet shop wii game of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
because it is short for Littlest Pet Shop, i think
Yes in fact there is going to be a littlest pet shop mammoth.
there is no littlest pet shop vip that is a ferret
yes dollar general has littlest pet shop
The first littlest pet shop was a chiuhaha with a pink collar.
Yes there is such thing as a littlest pet shop gerbil. I have two of them.
Littlest Pet Shop: Secret Agents
the first ever littlest pet shop made was a chihuahua in 2004.