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Go out and meet loads of new people! Go to places that are obvious, like gay clubs and bars, most of the time people will assume that you're gay for being in there, so you're likely to get more interest. You could also try dating sites or chat rooms or something similar. That way people aren't as scared about speaking in public, as it can be pretty hard and nerve-wrecking. You could build up things from that then choose to take it further. Or you could make the first move and show interest in other girls, maybe you're both too shy to say something!

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Q: How do you get lesbian women interested in me?
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Is Misty Mundae really a lesbian?

No. She has stated in interviews that she is attracted to men and women (bisexual) and her Facebook says that she's interested in men. In either case, she's not a lesbian.

Is George W Bush a lesbian?

Seriously? The answer would be that George W. Bush is a heterosexual man who is interested in females, women, his WIFE.

Is gay and lesbian same?

No, they are not the same. "Gay" typically refers to men who are attracted to other men, while "lesbian" refers to women who are attracted to other women. Both terms fall under the umbrella of homosexuality.

Can a straight guy be with a lesbian?

Only if the lesbian agrees. Is she's a lesbian then she is probably not at all interested in men, do don't get your hopes up.

Can someone be a lesbian and a normal couple at the same time?

No, a Lesbian likes only women and is not interested in men. Bisexuals (a sexual choice unlike being gay) is enjoying both sexes and if one wants to get into Bisexuality then it's not considered the norm.

How can a lesbian become a women?

Lesbians are already women.

How can you find a lesbian that is willing to have an affair with a straight man?

You can't; the definition of a lesbian is a women who is into women exclusively. You might be able to find a bisexual but a lesbian never would.

Do white lesbian women like black lesbian women?

Some do and some don't.

Would a women prefer being in a lesbian relationship with a transgender women?

Wouldn't that technically defeat the purpose of being a lesbian?

How do you tell if you're lesbian?

You can tell if you are a lesbian if you are attracted exclusively to other women.

Are you a lesbian if you like breasts?

No. You are a lesbian only if you are sexually attracted to other women.

What is the difference between lesbian women and bisexual woman?

The difference is that Lesbian Women only are attracted to females and Bisexual Women are attracted to both females and males.