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go onto iTunes while your ipods connected the it should show a menu above the picture of your iPod. where it says games go to it check any boxes you need to and press sync. Hope this helps

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Q: How do you get iPod games from iTunes onto an iPod?
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Can you get games onto an ipod using LimeWire?

No. Games for iPod can only be purchased through the iTunes Store and are installed and managed via iTunes.

How do you put iPod games on your iPod?

You can get games from the itunes store and they download into your itunes. All you have to do then is resync it, making sure that all games is selcted in "games" on your ipod menu in itunes.If you can't sync it then just drag it onto your ipod in the itunes menu.

How do you start your iPod?

You have to download iTunes then plug your iPod onto the computer

How do you put mucis and games on ma ipod touch?

download itunes, put music onto itunes then drag and drop (while still in Itunes) from "Music" to "what ever your Ipod is called"

Do you have to get iTunes for your iPod?

Yes, you cannot get anything onto your iPod unless you have iTunes.

How do you get your iPod onto iTunes?

Plug your ipod into your computer, then just open up itunes, itunes will automatically sync your ipod... -Thanks

If you buy an app off of iTunes how do you get it onto your ipod touch?

You have to connect your iPod, open up iTunes, and then sync the iPod with iTunes.

Do you need iTunes to use an iPod?

You need iTunes to upload music onto your iPod.

How do you put pictures from your computer onto your iPod?

plug your ipod into your computer if u have a itunes account click itunes and drag pics from your computer onto your ipod

How do you download photos to iPod touch when using a PC?

download itunes onto that PC and upload the photos onto itunes and then you can download the photos onto your iPod.

Do you have to download games on the iPod Touch?

You dont HAVE to download games, but if you want them, yes you have to download them from the itunes store. It is not possible to transfer games from another iPod Touch onto yours.

Can you download games from googleplay on your ipod 4gen?

No, you cannot download games from Google Play onto your iPod 4gen. You have to use the iTunes App store.