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call your company customer care and ask am sure they can help:)

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Q: How do you get back deleted text?
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How u do you get messages back

How do you retrieve deleted pdf text?

See if you can rely on some PDF recovery software to get the whole file back.

Where do text msgs go after they are deleted and are they retreivable?

Text messages all get sent through a central server and are stored before they reach the recipient. When they are deleted they are deleted and cannot be retrieved from your phone

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how do i get back delted messages from how can i get back sended messages deleted from account...

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I can answer my own question whoo hoo! I put my sim card back into my old phone and deleted all the old text messages and then put it back in my new one and it was fine!

Can you retrieve deleted text messages from blackberry?

No but your phone company might be able to I think. Why would you want to retrieve a deleted text message from blackberry? It's from a...........................friend, and I deleted it accidentally.

is it possible to retrieve deleted text messages?

ANSWER:Unfortunately not, and it doesn't matter what company it is, you can not have that luxury to save, or get back what ever text you want back.

How do you read text after deletion?

Generally, it can't be retrieved from the phone it was deleted from. However, you can ask the owner of the other phone for the text, if they haven't already deleted it as well.

How can you get back your deleted stuff on Xbox?

When its deleted, its gone.

What does Smgdh mean in text?

Shaking my [expletive deleted] head.